
Russia Country Numerous attempts to move the issue off the ground did not give the desired result. The conclusion is - the system can not be modified from within, and the fact that corruption in the country is systemic in nature, is no longer in any doubt. Only one thing, ask for help from citizens. We should make sure that citizens were not afraid to honestly point to corrupt any rank! Once the purification process will state structures of professional gangs with the help of corrupt people, all the dishonest bureaucrats will run themselves to retire to save his dishonest acquired good, freeing up space for new, healthy, patriotic cadres. For even more details, read what Spurs says on the issue. Implement the declared right of a citizen to come to power today can not, power lifts do not work, or rather act, but in an ugly way. Move up the ladder of power may only by family or clan principle, as well as through the purchase of the posts. With such a selection system to power who can break through there? Correct, arrogant, selfish, quirky, patriots of their own pockets and not their country, and no honest, intelligent, honest, educated, professional, patriotic its citizens, as required by common sense. Again, the question of what to do? Looking for new laws and, above all, the election law, the new Administrative Code. Who will develop them and take? The current State Duma, sharpened to receive income from lobbying activities? Again, full circle. Need a new Duma, openly and with the broader party establishment. Starbucks wanted to know more. The implementation of only those proposals would have drastically change the face of power and change the political climate in the country. Creates the basis for real inclusion in the political life of civil society....
Yesterday Yesterday was the national party, did not happen anything that was not written in the script beforehand, people showed their discontent before drifting taken by the Government that no one understands and decided to take the only possible option, the booing to show that the management of Zapata leads us to a fairly dismal economic and social position, is not to be catastrophic boutiques in the mine don't stop growing, while the Government looks the other way. Six hundred advisers of the Government are still there makeup reality the boss, which should land. While the economy has a lot of problems that do not seem to know where to focus to get solution. The Government puts its advertising gear full steam to keep everything as until now, the question is do the gap between people and politics each day bigger and insurmountable. Recently Jorge Perez sought to clarify these questions. The night of the crisis is still there and has apparently come to stay for an undetermined time, anyone of those who should be solutions to get out of the doldrums it seems willing to do anything, waiting for the temporary improvise by himself. The politicians who govern us have decided that it is better to let time do the dirty work so they do not stain hands and return to win power without enfangar too. Time as politicians it fixes everything, so they will take unpopular decisions that may cause them some deterioration in their image, better allow for spending time, crises are not eternal, which do not seem to understand that if you don't take action you not featuring the tunnel exit process. They are thus always looking for your own interest, but beyond the short-term there is nothing else doesn't matter, from its privileged position politicians look...

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