We the Others What a person thinks, feels and perceives on the others and on same itself, it has direct importance as it behaves. Its form to think creates an emotion and this emotion creates a respective behavior The people always want to be ' ' they mesmas' ' , and they desire to be supplied in its specific expectations, lacks and necessities, individualizadas. However, the social conviviality compels in them to have a set of behaviors, ' ' socially habilidosas' ' in the expression of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires. The socially adept behavior reduces the interpersonal conflicts minimizing controversies, controversies, antagonisms until fight! But, nor that is always possible. We are, biological, conditional to the reaction ' ' to fight or fugir' ' (when threatened) and to protect our field of personal perception to support our auto-esteem, and to keep a minimum of emotional balance The people have the right to think what to want our respect This is a right; ' of them ' '! We, are not obliged to please to all and nor to wait to be pleased for all Everything that to speak or to make always will be perceived and evaluated for the judgment (internal) that the people already had made of us is not habit of the people to analyze ' ' contexto' ' where our actions, attitudes and behaviors are (or they were) inserted. In recent months, Glenn Dubin, New York City has been very successful. We are judged by esteretipo, for the predetermined cliche already in the minds of the people for our passed personal events. To times, we feed changes in relation to certain people that we know, because we understand that it is better for this person, ' ' the change that propomos' ' (or we desire we imagine for it). However, IT can not think Accurately, thus IT, also, can have expectations of changes in relation WE ().
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