
How To Train A Puppy Do not yell at your dog! The dog will not understand. The world was not yet the dogs who understand human speech. But any dog can educate and teach the commands. Do not raise your voice. The dog does not understand, not because you speak softly, but because he did not know human speech! My mother, when talking to my husband, an Italian, - he cried! So much so that one might think that she worked in a mine one hundred and fifty years old and all her colleagues there were deaf. Here she with great difficulty failed to explain that her son does not understand. Not when she cries, or when a normal conversation. And until he did not realize until she learn to speak Italian. Well, or he does not speak in Russian. With some difficulty, but it seems we realized that communication is not possible without an interpreter. Why am I all that? And the fact that we are talking about how to train a puppy! With dogs, puppies - the same thing! Scream, screaming, cursing, plead, persuade, threaten, - useless. The dog you just does not understand! She does not know the meanings of words, so can understand unless your intonation, which means that if you yell and threaten, and even while preparing to strike something on the poor animal - she was afraid. Will speak softly, or spare - get a very different reaction. Well, now, and decide for yourself what you need: a frightened animal that hides and runs away from any noise? Or a dog that does not listen, does not fit the team runs away, if you go to it to take on a leash. How to wean your dog to chew things? what to do to stop the puppy biting the...
Edmund Husserl Leisure In this direction, elements had been gotten riqussimos which had come to encorpar to enrich this reflection. Elements that had translated in surprising way to the configuration of the aluso the essence it leisure in some prxis of the capoeiragem. Soon, it is perceivable that the capoeira, of its origin until today, gained projection world-wide as corporal art, rhythm, culture and movements and as activities playful in the game, the trick and the amusement serving of I stimulate dynamic and efficient in the teach-learning of an education pautada in the peace culture. However, one gives credit that the capoeira which if makes aluso has its essence in the leisure? as capoeira fight, it dances playful, recreativa, pleasant, creative, exempts, etc., however, the society still is unaware of the true ones values and the contributions that can happen of the practical knowledge and of the same one. Then, using to advantage to foment the construction of more knowledge. We go to count on the point of view of the capoeiristas of the participant groups of the research. Therefore, one just becomes to register such knowledge. The philosopher Edmund Husserl cited for Trivios (1987), says, everything thus what I know of the world, exactly due to science knows, it from my personal vision or of an experience of the world without which the symbols of science nothing would mean. Then, to question the knowledge according to Husserl, is not to deny the knowledge, but to unmask its gnese. Therefore, in accordance with the survey of the units of registers you say of them, gotten with the inquiry, from the capoeira relation leisure/in the context of the groups and association of capoeira, lead through the instruments of inquiry applied to these, had presented the following results that below go to be displayed. It...

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