Hears it to cry night after night of tied hands. He swims can make. What it could make. Stranger to think as knew it. It deferred payment in as walking and it in the first one.
It deferred payment in the apartment immediately above of the apartment of it. it heard already it to cry much time before knowing it. But until then the tears of the young woman they did not bother it. Women costumam to cry exactly. it nothing had to see with the life of it. Until a beautiful day, coming back of the work it the same caught bus that it. The bus was not crowded. But all the places were busy and it he was the only one of foot when it saw this fragile and pretty young woman, with its soft face very wet of tears.
The young woman was seated in the bank highest of the bus, all could see it crying, cried copiosamente, dived in a so deep sadness that it felt shame. Shame because if she does not have to cry in public. Shame because nobody made swims, nobody seemed same if to matter. Shame because it also would not make nothing. This is our generation, nobody wants to commit itself to nobody, nobody wants to ask nothing, nor it. It was thus obliged to attend been silent, the sadness of the young woman during all the passage and it she seemed so alone. As if she had a very great abyss between it and all the humanity. A so great abyss that nor it could cross, and it seemed made use to full this abyss with tears. The point arrived where it would have to go down. It perceived that both would go down the same in place and decided to more walk a little to devagar of what the chorosa young woman.
It deferred payment in the apartment immediately above of the apartment of it. it heard already it to cry much time before knowing it. But until then the tears of the young woman they did not bother it. Women costumam to cry exactly. it nothing had to see with the life of it. Until a beautiful day, coming back of the work it the same caught bus that it. The bus was not crowded. But all the places were busy and it he was the only one of foot when it saw this fragile and pretty young woman, with its soft face very wet of tears.
The young woman was seated in the bank highest of the bus, all could see it crying, cried copiosamente, dived in a so deep sadness that it felt shame. Shame because if she does not have to cry in public. Shame because nobody made swims, nobody seemed same if to matter. Shame because it also would not make nothing. This is our generation, nobody wants to commit itself to nobody, nobody wants to ask nothing, nor it. It was thus obliged to attend been silent, the sadness of the young woman during all the passage and it she seemed so alone. As if she had a very great abyss between it and all the humanity. A so great abyss that nor it could cross, and it seemed made use to full this abyss with tears. The point arrived where it would have to go down. It perceived that both would go down the same in place and decided to more walk a little to devagar of what the chorosa young woman.
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